
Local Tips

Page history last edited by Jannis Leidel 14 years, 9 months ago


If you have trouble getting around try asking one of the local djangoauts for help: http://djangode.pbworks.com/EDC10-Attendees


Eating and drinking











    • Potsdamer Platz is just for tourists (nothing originally "Berlin" is there); but it still offers some cool things:
      • "Cinestar im Sony Center" is an English Language multiplex  ( 8 halls )
      • Cinestar IMAX (Hi-Res 10k 3D cinema) 



    • Walk the Urbanufer:
      1. Start at (U) Prinzenstraße; go south and cross a small bridge
      2. Follow the stream in eastbound direction (Planufer, Maybachufer)
      3. Cross the river again at Pannierstraße / Maybachufer
      4. Visit Görlitzer Park (be careful at night, though)
      5. End your journey and have a snack at Burgermeister, (U) Schlesisches Tor



    • Richardkiez Rixdorf - an old Bohemian (Czech) / German village which became a district of Berlin a long time ago. A lot of the original places are still there. http://www.richardkiez.de/




Local delights you shouldn't miss


     Food + Drinks

    • Döner is a very popular fast food dish originally from turkey. Best bought in Kreuzberg, Neukölln, or Schöneberg.
    • Club Mate is a caffeinated beverage which was especially popular among members of the Chaos Computer Club. Best bought in small shops in Friedrichshain or Kreuzberg, although you can increasingly get it from larger stores like "Getränke Hoffmann" as it has become mainstream.
    • Fritz Cola gives you the caffeine+sugar kick you're looking for. It is actually sweeter than mountain dew. Get it from the same source as your Club Mate.




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